Demo update coming soon

A lot of things are adjusted, but few content are added. The next update will mechanically be major, but minor content-wise. In order to respect people's time, here is a summary of some major things to expect for the next demo update:

  • Introduction to one of the game's main mechanics: Multiple Perspectives Narration
  • Flashier feel-good effects
  • Extra quality of life
  • More casual-friendly options
  • A bunch of new areas and new characters to play around
  • My tears of anguish

Additionally, the roster will be expanded from 8 to 10 characters. 

For those with a pre-existing save file, I can not guarantee a comprehensive file conversion due to new stuff being added, so it is suggested to play with a fresh save if ever you plan to play the update.

Thank you all for your support, and I hope you will continue to bear with me in the future~

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